Is it Ok for Guys to Own Animal dildos?
Is your location tolerant to male animal dildo owners? These dildos include the horse dildo as well as the dog cock dildos. If you’re in a place such as Alabama, USA, or India where sex toys are illegal, don’t expect that you can purchase an animal dildo in a corner shop. You can try buying one from a website and having it shipped to your home, but make sure you don’t get caught with it to avoid penalties (in India, you can get jailed for two years for it). Another thing that may concern you is whether you might be physically harmed if you own one. A male horse dildo owner may be identified as a homosexual and this spells trouble especially in Russia. Are you in a country where dog cock dildo usage is not so dangerous? Move on to the next issue.
Do you have personal concerns with using an animal dildo? You can use a dog cock dildo either on yourself (if you’re into vibratory stimulation or anal penetration), with a male partner, or with a female partner. Take a look at each situation.
Concerns about using it for yourself. There are many reasons why people want to have a horse dildo – the most common is for sexual gratification. It’s not wrong to desire physical pleasure and to use gadgets to fulfil that want. Think about your own purpose for having it and evaluate whether it is harmful for you or not. If it makes you feel guilty, ask yourself where the guilt is coming from. Is it because you were told that sex toys are sinful? Do you have this assumption that horse dildos are only for those who are bad in sex? Are you having second thoughts about your sexuality because you enjoy anal penetration? Get to the root of the anxiety and ponder on it using your rational mind. Know how a dog cock dildo is used so you’ll get the hang of it.
Using the animal dildo on a male partner. Homosexual romps take a lot of varieties, and animal dildos may or may not be involved in them. The easiest way is to ask your mate if he wants to try it out. If not, you can still own one. His sexual preferences don’t have to set limits to your own.
Using the dog cock dildo on a female partner. Guys are sometimes worried that using a vibrator on their partner will cause her to become addicted to the toy. This is not true – think about it, she might have one but she still chose to have sex with you, right? Women find a lot of pleasure both in boys and toys. Horse dildos might even make her want you more, since she will find your sexual trysts more exciting.
Can you cope with getting caught with a horse dildo? Friends might tease you for it; parents might demand for explanation; airport security personnel might give you quizzical looks. To deal with this, keep your dog cock dildo where other people can’t see them. On the other hand, you might also get pleasant reactions as well – so be prepared always.